IMPORTANT: Always call the business before going to take the factory tour. We try and keep our data s up-to-date as possible but you should always check first.
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Bristol Motor Speedway & Dragway
151 Speedway Blvd., Bristol, TN 37620
Map Location Latitude: 36.5178508 Longitude: -82.2568802
Click here to go to the company web site
Bristol Motor Speedway & Dragway
151 Speedway Blvd., Bristol, TN 37620
Map Location Latitude: 36.5178508 Longitude: -82.2568802
Click here to go to the company web site
Bristol Motor Speedway and Dragway offer informative and entertaining Track Tours of one of the nation's popular motorsports venues. First you'll head off to "Thunder Valley," the home of Bristol Dragway. As you cruise down the legendary quarter-mile, try to imagine a top fueler blasting past you at 300 mph. Then head up to Bruton Smith's suite and look over the magnificent high-banked half-mile wonder with seating for approximately 160,000 fans. When you think you have seen it all, you'll cruise down to the track where legends like Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, and Darrell Waltrip raced for years. To complete your experience we'll take you for a lap around the track, which includes Bristol's high-banked turns (heck, we'll even let you get out and walk on the banking) and a ride down pit road just like yesterday's heroes and today's shining stars. It's "Thunder Valley" and "The World's Fastest Half-Mile!" There's no place like it on earth. When you tour Bristol Motor Speedway and Dragway, you truly will know what we mean when we say it's "racin' the way it ought'a be!"
Bristol Motor Speedway and Dragway offer informative and entertaining Track Tours of one of the nation's popular motorsports venues. First you'll head off to "Thunder Valley," the home of Bristol Dragway. As you cruise down the legendary quarter-mile, try to imagine a top fueler blasting past you at 300 mph. Then head up to Bruton Smith's suite and look over the magnificent high-banked half-mile wonder with seating for approximately 160,000 fans. When you think you have seen it all, you'll cruise down to the track where legends like Richard Petty, Dale Earnhardt, and Darrell Waltrip raced for years. To complete your experience we'll take you for a lap around the track, which includes Bristol's high-banked turns (heck, we'll even let you get out and walk on the banking) and a ride down pit road just like yesterday's heroes and today's shining stars. It's "Thunder Valley" and "The World's Fastest Half-Mile!" There's no place like it on earth. When you tour Bristol Motor Speedway and Dragway, you truly will know what we mean when we say it's "racin' the way it ought'a be!"
Tours are available daily except during major Speedway and Dragway events. Tours originate from Speedway World Gift Shop, located on the first floor of the O. Bruton Smith Building (located just off Hwy. 11E/Volunteer Parkway).
Monday through Saturday, tours begin on the hour starting at 9 AM with the final tour of the day starting at 4 PM.
On Sunday, tours begin at 1 PM with the final tour starting at 4 PM.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to facility preparation and hosting of events, track tours are NOT given during the weeks of major Speedway or Dragway events.
Tour Pricing:
Adults $5
Seniors (55 and over) $4
Children $3
Kids Under six (6) years old FREE
It is recommended that visitors call 423.989.6960 to check for tour availability. All peak season tours (May through August) may require a reservation.
Also please note that for large group tours (seven or more individuals) or tour buses, reservations are required.
For complete tour information please call 423.989.6960.
Tours are available daily except during major Speedway and Dragway events. Tours originate from Speedway World Gift Shop, located on the first floor of the O. Bruton Smith Building (located just off Hwy. 11E/Volunteer Parkway).
Monday through Saturday, tours begin on the hour starting at 9 AM with the final tour of the day starting at 4 PM.
On Sunday, tours begin at 1 PM with the final tour starting at 4 PM.
PLEASE NOTE: Due to facility preparation and hosting of events, track tours are NOT given during the weeks of major Speedway or Dragway events.
Tour Pricing:
Adults $5
Seniors (55 and over) $4
Children $3
Kids Under six (6) years old FREE
It is recommended that visitors call 423.989.6960 to check for tour availability. All peak season tours (May through August) may require a reservation.
Also please note that for large group tours (seven or more individuals) or tour buses, reservations are required.
For complete tour information please call 423.989.6960.
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