The Leland Olds Station (LOS) is named for Leland Olds, a champion of public power who served on the Federal Power Commission for 10 years under President Franklin D. Roosevelt. In a speech in 1959, Olds called for the construction of consumer-owned power plants that would be integrated with the federal hydroelectric dams on the Missouri River. He described what was then a hope for him, but it eventually became a successful reality through the creation of Basin Electric in 1961.
LOS, located four miles southeast of Stanton, ND, was the first electric generating station built by Basin Electric.
The plant has two lignite-fired electric generating units. Unit 1 construction began in June 1963 and took three years and $36 million to build. When it began operating in January 1966, it was the largest lignite-burning power plant in the western hemisphere with a capacity of 216,000 kilowatts (KW). It was upgraded in 1995 at a cost of $12 million with new low-nitrogen oxide burners on the boiler and a computer-based control system.
Construction began in July 1971 on Unit 2, which cost $109 million to build and has a capacity of 440,000 KW. This second unit began commercial operation in December 1975.
LOS draws water for steam and cooling from the nearby Missouri River, while coal is shipped from the Freedom Mine near Beulah, ND. Both units are equipped with electrostatic precipitators which collect 99.5 percent of the fly ash created by burning lignite in the boilers. In addition, in-stack monitors measure oxides of nitrogen, sulfur dioxide, carbon dioxide, volumetric flow and opacity.